8 Reasons why your students should now take a Cambridge English Exam

8 Reasons why your students should now take a Cambridge English Exam

Share this article with your students! Here are 8 reasons why they should take a Cambridge English Qualification now more than ever. 

8 Reasons why your students should now take a Cambridge English Exam

There is no doubt that the significance of holding an English qualification can contribute to a competitive CV on the job market. Proving English Skills with an internationally recognised English Certificate is what will make students stand out. Additionally, more and more higher education institutions in Switzerland request a certificate for admission. We have summarised the most important points for you to share with your students why they should now focus on adding an English Language Certificate to their CV.

8 Reasons why ...

  1. Certificates by Cambridge Assessment English are the world’s most recognised exams and tests. More than 25’000 educational institutions and organisations in 130 countries rely on secure exams and tests by Cambridge and recognise them.

  2. Many higher education institutions recognise Cambridge English qualifications as entry requirements to a large variety of programs, in Switzerland and abroad.

  3. Holding an English language qualification can contribute to a competitive CV on the job market.

  4. It can be expected that jobs in international businesses will increase. There is hardly an international job in which English language skills are not at the centre of basic requirements in anyone’s skills portfolio.

  5. Looking at reforms going on in education, one can see that the focus is on skills- rather than knowledge-based education. What people can really do and which skills they can employ matters more than how much they know. Since Cambridge English exams have always been skills-focused, we anticipate that their importance will increase in education and on the market.

  6. It’s the perfect timing to take the exam now as you are now in the habit of writing exams. since you still study English in school. Taking the exam now will be less effort than taking the exam later.

  7. A Certificate shows the knowledge of complete language skills because it tests all skills: Writing, Speaking, Listening and Reading.

  8. The communication skills you learn while preparing for them are beneficial to students for the rest of their life, whether they work, study or travel.

These are just a few reasons. If your students want to study/work abroad, want to stand out with strong assets in their CV, they want to start their own business or develop their career, they should choose to take an internationally recognised English exam, whether this is a Cambridge English Exam, an IELTS test or Linguaskill General/Business English Test.

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