We at Swiss Exams cannot, of course, guarantee successful exam results but we can do a lot to make the exam experience for your students a good one. As their teachers, you can also help us by sharing this important information with your students.
- Please have students check, in good time, that their IDs are VALID. Candidates cannot take the exam if they do not have a valid ID. Read more on our ID Policy
- The Entry Statements are very important and must be read carefully so that students do not go to the wrong venue or the wrong part of their exam on the wrong date.
- Candidates receive the Entry Statement approx. 10 days before their exam by email. They need to print it out and bring it to the exam.
- For the B2, C1 and C2 (excluding "For Schools Exams") levels we must take pictures of the candidates which requires a signed consent form. If they are under 18, they must have a consent form signed by their parents.
- Please tell candidates that generally no electronic devices are allowed in the exam halls. They may bring their phones with them which are then put into a dead zone bag and placed on the floor next to their desk. They are NOT allowed to access the dead zone bag during the entire duration of the exam (including during breaks).
- Remind your students that ALL answers must be transferred from the question booklet onto the answer sheet within the time given. No extra time is given to do this. The question booklets are not returned to Cambridge, only the answer sheet.
- Encourage your students to check our website and read all the important information concerning the exam day experience:
Your Exam Day Tips: Cambridge English Exams
Due to the Corona situation, there are additional requirements that we must fulfil to ensure the safety of the candidates as well as of our exam staff. The following points are important to remember:
- Covid forms must be filled in and signed by the candidates before their exam day. This states that candidates are not ill and have not been in contact with an infected person. Covid forms are sent to students prior to the exam by email. These should be downloaded and printed before the exam day. This will avoid delays on the exam day.
- Masks are always mandatory and temperatures are taken at some venues before we allow a candidate to sit down at their desk.
- Candidates should not gather in front of the venue and, therefore, we allow them to enter the exam hall as soon as they arrive at the exam hall.
- Candidates are always reminded of social distancing. Please encourage them to follow those instructions.
- There is disinfectant liquid available at all venues and the material they use is disinfected before and after use. Candidates are also asked to disinfect their hands before they sit down for the exam.
These are some of the most important points that, if adhered to, can lead to a good exam experience and give candidates that extra bit of confidence.
Lori Kaithan, Swiss Exams CEO/CEM