How to do Block entries in Swiss Exams Access?

How to do Block entries in Swiss Exams Access?

Have you ever tried doing group or block entries? Read the following article to learn more about the different options Swiss Exams offers.

How to do Block entries in Swiss Exams Access?

As a customer-oriented company Swiss Exams focuses not only on offering the best user experience for schools, teachers and candidates for exam registrations but also gives its customers multiple options to choose from. We have many years of experience with school registrations and were able to optimise our systems with your feedback over the past years. In this article we want to show you three different ways you can do “group” or “block” entries. If you want to learn even more about these options don’t forget to register below for our upcoming webinar.

There are three ways to do “group” or “block” entries:

  • Excel sheet: A group/block entry can be done through an excel sheet which has to be uploaded to Swiss Exams Access. The excel template can be downloaded from Swiss Exams Access. On Swiss Exams Access, you upload the prepared excel sheet and submit it. Swiss Exams then takes over the communication with candidates. - The benefit is that you keep the full real-time transparency over Swiss Exams Access and are in charge of the registrations.

  • Swiss Exams Access: There is also a block-entry function on the platform Swiss Exams Access. Using this function, you simply need to enter the student data directly into Swiss Exams Access one by one. Then Swiss Exams is in charge of the communication with the candidates. This option helps if you, for instance, have a small number of students you would like to register. - The benefit is that you keep the full real-time transparency over your registration on Swiss Exams Access. You are in charge of the registrations which are completed with just a few clicks.

  • Swiss Exams Access registration link: Another way of doing group/block entries is through a Swiss Exams Access registration link. Candidates receive a dedicated link with which they register themselves for the right exam level/location/date. - Full real-time transparency and access over your registration on Swiss Exams Access and no admin effort. - Most schools use this option as it avoids administrative effort and registration errors while giving the school real-time access to all their registrations.

Would you like to learn more about functions/possibilities you’re offered when using Swiss Exams Access? If so, please register below to join our webinar about Swiss Exams Access on May 27th, 2021, from 5-6 pm.

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