We are here to support you in making an educated decision on what alternative you can provide your students with. Therefore, we have gathered helpful materials and online informative events, which should help you to discuss these topics and help you to decide which way to go.
Why should you think about your students´ future language education?
The internationally recognised English exams provide your students with important benefits such as:
- Entry recognition for prestigious universities
- CV upgrade and better opportunities in the job market
- Work or study abroad
- A better start position in their career
- Work well in stress- and time-related situations
- Receive the dream job
Recognised English exams provide your students with certain success/future
It is as easy as that. If you provide world-wide recognised Cambridge exams, IELTS or Linguaskill – despite the KV reform and retirement of BEC (Business English Certificate) - you strengthen your position and recognition as a school and prepare your students for the future. Offering internationally recognised English exams for your students, also ensures the programme you offer at your school is attractive to prospective students.
Would you like to discuss alternatives for your school? Get in touch with us
Why you should provide recognised language exams in numbers
- Over 25,000 universities, employers and governments around the world recognise Cambridge English exams
- World’s top employers trust these language exams: Microsoft, ABB, Adidas, Accenture-Switzerland, BP, Ernst & Young, Coop, Hewlett-Packard, SRF Schweiz, Johnson & Johnson, Swiss Post and Deloitte. AXA, Kodak SA – Switzerland, McDonald's Schweiz, Nestlé - Switzerland, Raiffeisen
- More than 5,5 million candidates every year
- Over 11,000 organisations world-wide recognise IELTS
- Swiss Organisations like Hotelfachschule Thun, ABB Technikerschule, Glion Institute of Higher Education and many more across the world recognise Linguaskill Business in Switzerland
How do we support you?
- Word of CEO Pete Kaithan
- Online events
- 8 Reasons why your students should now take a Cambridge English Exam
Retirement of Business English Certificate (BEC) – Alternatives for BEC: Cambridge Exams, IELTS and Linguaskill Business
- Alternatives for BEC
- Online events
- Alternatives for BEC: Recording of event
- Do you want it all in graphics? The whole exams overview also with the BEC alternatives highlighted can be downloaded here
- Similarities between Cambridge Exams, IELTS and Linguaskill
- Alternatives to BEC – Request recording of all events
Do you have any questions? Contact us