New Swiss Exams Department “Partner Development and Candidate Support”

New Swiss Exams Department “Partner Development and Candidate Support”

In order to provide even more support to schools and candidates, Swiss Exams has created a new department called “Partner Development and Candidate Support”.

New Swiss Exams Department “Partner Development and Candidate Support”

Up until now, Swiss Exams was made up of three departments, Exam Operations, Marketing and Customer Service and Finance. To strengthen our outreach and customer care capabilities, we have decided to form a new department called “Partner Development and Candidate Support”. The department will be managed by Simona Bogrova and will initially have three full time staff members engaged in acquiring new and serving existing clients. At the same time, “Marketing and Communications”, managed by Jacky Holenstein and her team, should have more resources available to strengthen the Swiss Exams brand and all products it provides.

“We are very pleased, that we can yet again move our organisation a step forward to the benefit of our schools and candidates alike, while strengthening the market position of Swiss Exams.” Pete Kaithan COO Swiss Exams

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