Computer-delivered IELTS 2020 – 2021

Computer-delivered IELTS 2020 – 2021

Swiss Exams has successfully launched computer-delivered IELTS in Winterthur/Zürich and in Lausanne with more locations to be added in 2021.

At the beginning of 2020, Swiss Exams and the British Council signed a strategic IELTS agreement for Switzerland. In the summer, the first IELTS pilot sessions took place and Winterthur/Zurich and Lausanne went operational during the course of the autumn. This gave Swiss Exams the time needed to establish processes and operations and gain the necessary experience to accelerate in 2021.

Swiss Exams will not only expand operations to more locations in 2021, but will also extend the offer of IELTS exam dates significantly across Switzerland. Furthermore, Swiss Exams will enhance the service to candidates and schools. As the leading organisation offering foreign language exams in Switzerland, Swiss Exams clients know about the quality and the reliability of its services. It is Swiss Exams main goal to extend these services to IELTS clients as well, for schools and candidates alike.

At this point, Swiss Exams also sends a great thank you to all the British Council staff for their support in setting up Swiss Exams IELTS operations in Switzerland.

“We believe that this partnership brings the necessary quality, reliability and offer to the Swiss IELTS market which will be a direct benefit to IELTS clients. 2020 was an interesting year to say the least, but at the same time it was a real pleasure to partner with such a professional organisation as the British Council.” Pete Kaithan, COO Swiss Exams

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