These days, more and more exams are offered on the computer or online with remote-proctoring. We are the leading exam management organisation offering computer-based exams and are the provider for online testing solutions with remote-proctoring in Switzerland.
Get in touch to discuss your situation and find the best exam solution for you. Let's talk about it in an online meeting.
Request online meetingWe have also been offering exams on the PC since 2006 through Swiss Exams Digital@Centre and were awarded in 2015 by Cambridge English (Part of the University of Cambridge) for the pioneer role and excellence in offering Cambridge English computer-based exams.
Today, we provide computer-based testing for exams (Cambridge English, IELTS, Linguaskill, TCF) in nine Swiss Exams locations across Switzerland. Do your learners still take their exams on paper? We will be happy to advise and support you in switching to computer examinations.
On-site exams = Candidates take their exam in a location and at a time we provide. Therefore, candidates go to a location to take their exam on the computer. They are supervised in a "prepared exam hall". All they need to do is to arrive as requested and write the test on the computer.
Remote-proctored exams = Candidates don't take their exam from a designated place/time but decide themselves where/when they would like to take their test. Candidates are still guided to and through their online assessment step-by-step but they are responsible for their "exam room" being setup as required. We still take care over the administrative side of things from the registration to the result, give clear instructions and guidelines and guarantee full security and data standards.
Computer-based exams bring indeed many benefits. Here is why you should choose computer-based exams for your students:
If you wish to learn more about computer-based exams, offer them at your school or have questions related to the preparation of these exams, please get in touch.
Fill in the below form and we will be in touch. We would be happy to talk to you with the aim of finding the right solution for you.
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