Cambridge going Digital: Unleashing the Power of AI and Next Generation BEC

Cambridge going Digital: Unleashing the Power of AI and Next Generation BEC

Online event - Part Two

Register online to secure your virtual seat at this workshop

See the registration form at the bottom of the page

Cambridge going Digital I Swiss Exams

Event summary

Join us and Cambridge as we explore the upcoming transformative changes in our delivery methods and product offerings. This paradigm shift is propelled by digital advancements and will impact exam preparation, assessment delivery, and the evaluation process through artificial intelligence (AI) support.

The event is divided into two parts: informative presentations hosted by Cambridge and Swiss Exams for part one, and a practical online workshop for part two. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights into the future of our industry.

Who is this event intended for?

This event is aimed at English school teachers, school directors, department heads and any other decision-makers for Cambridge Qualifications for students at your school.

Swiss Exams - Cambridge Authorised Linguaskill Agent - Authorised Exam Centre

Part Two

When: Wednesday 27 September at 17.00-18.15

Where: Online, MS Teams webinar

Don't miss part two of our event, led by Thomas Strasser, an expert in digital tools and artificial intelligence (AI) for exam preparation such as Cambridge Qualifications. In this online interactive workshop, teachers will discover the power of AI in enhancing exam preparation and enabling students to achieve increased exam success. Join us to explore practical applications of AI in the classroom.

Online Workshop: Tools, tests & treasures. Your digital toolkit for assessment preparation

This interactive online workshop for English teachers will focus on digital tools and AI for assessment preparation. In this 60-minute session, we will help teachers explore the latest digital tools and AI-powered solutions that can help students prepare for exams more effectively. Our workshop will be filled with interactive tasks and creative ideas designed to keep you engaged and motivated throughout.

During the workshop, we will cover a range of topics, including:

  • The benefits of using digital tools and AI for exam preparation
  • How to identify the best tools for your students’ needs
  • Tips for effective time management
  • Strategies for using AI-powered tools to improve student performance

Some of the digital tools and AI-powered solutions that will be covered in the workshop may include: writing assistant programs, interactive handout generators, AI-based flashcards, AI-powered image generators and explainer video generators.


Thomas Strasser I Cambridge going Digital

HS-Prof. Univ.-Lektor Mag. Dr. Thomas STRASSER

Hochschulprofessor für Fremdsprachendidaktik und technologieunterstütztes Lehren und Lernen

Zentrum für Lerntechnologie und Innovation

Institut für übergreifende Bildungsschwerpunkte (IBS)

Pädagogische Hochschule Wien

Presenter biography

Did you miss the registration?

If you would like to catch up on the insights shared, simply let us know that you are interested. We will provide you with access to the recording. E-mail us:

Part One

For details for part one (registration or recording) of this event please visit the event page.

Contact us

For any questions about the above event, please contact us via email at

Register now Cambridge going Digital I Swiss Exams