Accessing Cambridge exam results and certificates with ease

Accessing Cambridge exam results and certificates with ease

At Swiss Exams, we strive to ensure that all candidates receive their exam results and certificates securely and promptly. We created this simple guide to address the main questions candidates usually have. Read on and share with your students how they can access Online Result Letters (ORLs) and official Cambridge certificates.

Accessing Cambridge exam results and certificates with ease

Online Result Letters (ORLs)

What is an ORL?

ORL is an email you will receive from us. It contains both a secret number and an ID number, which you will use to access your official Statement of Results online. These numbers are unique to you and provide a secure way of checking your results.

How do I access my results?

To access your results, you will need to create a Cambridge English profile online. Once you’ve set up your login, you can access your results anytime. This profile is essential for viewing your results and storing your Statement of Results.

What is the Statement of Results?

The Statement of Results is a formal document that you can download, save, and use for university applications, job opportunities, or personal reference. It is available online through your Cambridge profile.

What is the Statement of Results? | Swiss Exams


When will I receive my certificate?

Your official Cambridge certificate will be sent by registered post. Certificates usually arrive at our center from Cambridge about 2 months after your exam date, and we aim to have them sent out to you within the following month, ensuring delivery within 3 months of your exam.

What if I miss the certificate delivery?

If you are not home to receive the registered post, your certificate will be returned to us. We will contact you to ask if you’d prefer to have it resent or if you’d like to pick it up from our office.

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