Swiss Exams Access

Swiss Exams Access

Make your life easier… also at work! Swiss Exams Access helps you with that: Minimal effort – Maximum control and support.

The tool for schools

Saves admin efforts. Gives time for what's most important.

Discover Swiss Exams Access

It's as easy as ABC!

Our Swiss Exams Access platform brings our customer service to the next level by providing important information and an overview of all candidate registrations and exam date reservations. The platform will facilitate real-time monitoring, online exam date reservation, multi-entry candidate management and more.

  • saves time & effort
  • eases exam date reservation & registrations (block entries)
  • facilitates real time monitoring

Get organised. The work Edit.


Teachers and schools using Swiss Exams Access gain time. Time for the essentials, namely exam preparation for students.

What schools say

May I say that I’m a big fan of the Swiss Exams Access portal. I was sent an email that allowed me to set up my account very easily. The clarity of the layout as well as the information available are first class. Whoever designed and implemented that portal deserves a song of praise. Andreas Pribnow, Konrektor Berufsmatur, zB. Zentrum Bildung - Wirtschaftsschule KV Aargau Ost

You win:

  • time for the essential: exam preparation
  • getting organised: overview who registered, who paid, who attended
  • user-friendly tool for all exams: stays the same for any exam provided by Swiss Exams


Be it for Cambridge English Exams, Exams by the Goethe-Institut or the TCF French Exams by France Education International. Your French candidates, English beginners but also experts in the German language can be managed via this one tool. Nothing new to learn, the processes and functions remain the same.

After an onboarding training session, you will become the expert. Also at a later stage, it is very easy to onboard another exam service from us. You will also learn how useful this tool is for your students.

Swiss Exams Access - for candidates

Not only did we design Swiss Exams Access for schools but also for your students and all candidates taking an exam with Swiss Exams. They automatically receive an access to the tool after their registration. Within the tool, they can see all exam details, reschedule their exam, print out the Entry statement and more.


Interested in Swiss Exams Access?

Would you like more information or a personal consultation? Swiss Exams will be happy to advise you individually and guide you through the tool.