Do you wish to spend less time with admin efforts? Focus more on your student's education? Providing a successful future to your students with the world's most recognised exams and tests is important for your schools' recognition and image. By working with other experts and education professionals, we can combine our strengths to offer learners enhanced quality, choice and opportunity. reliable partner for all, less admin efforts, enhanced exam prep and quality, you are in the right place. There are many different reasons to choose Swiss Exams as your partner.
Let us discuss your needsGlobally recognised exams provide your students with certain success for their future. It is as easy as that. The exams and tests we provide open doors to higher education and improve employment opportunities nationally and internationally.
If you decide to provide world-wide recognised exams, you strengthen your position and recognition as a school. Offering certified exams for your students, also ensures the programme you offer at your school is attractive to prospective students.
The internationally recognised exams provide your students with important benefits such as:
By working with us as a partner, teachers will have more time to focus on their students' education and exam preparation. We provide:
Why choose Swiss Exams? We are the leading experts in conducting exams in Switzerland. We offer a comprehensive range of services, all conveniently available from a single source. As a steadfast partner, we remain dedicated to our core values: Quality, Reliability, and Accessibility. This commitment has been our guiding principle for over three decades and will continue to define our approach in the future.
Read what our partners say and also put your trust in Swiss Exams. You will benefit from exclusive advantages.
Would you like to have more time to support your students individually in their exam preparation? And would you like to reduce your admin efforts? Continue reading because you ended up in the right place with the tool for schools Swiss Exams Access - School Access. This will make your life easier and gives you more time for what's really important for you and your students.
How can we prepare for future jobs or make people ready for future skills? The job market is changing and modern skills are needed. Swiss Exams Skills is here to prepare learners to face the future with the right skills. Swiss Exams is in the process of offering more of these modern skills so that you can either add them to your school's offer or task your students to take them individually.
With the heavy load of school subjects at secondary and vocational schools, commercial schools, gymnasiums, and higher education institutions, it can be an additional burden to have to prepare for the Cambridge English Exams. This becomes a problem for students and teachers as the time is not available in the regular English lessons to cover what would be very important to know for a successful exam result. For this reason, we have created the Swiss Exams Academy: A targeted and individualised support course for learners.
By working with other experts and education professionals, we can combine our strengths to offer learners enhanced quality, choice and opportunity. Have a look at our services and solutions specifically for secondary schools, commercial schools, vocational schools and gymnasiums.
We offer the world's most reliable and recognised examinations and tests for admissions, progression and graduation in higher education and the corporate sector. Read on to learn why you should recognise them as well and how your organisation and your graduates/employees benefit.
Fill in the below form and we will be in touch. We would be happy to talk to you with the aim of finding the right solution for you.
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